Rite For the Sick

In the world we inhabit, illnesses and ailments afflict people, and it can be distressing for us to witness such suffering, knowing we lack the power to control these situations for individuals. In these moments, we may also encounter injustices, which further adds to our sense of helplessness.

BNG aims to offer whatever support we can, so we have devised the following invocation for you to use in times when you wish to send healing energies and positive intentions to those in need, whether it be a loved one, friend, acquaintance, or to the broader cosmos.

Make sure that you ritually clean (Glanos) before beginning. Leave offerings at the indicated verses and using our BNG main Hearth Rite.

The content within the parentheses serves as a general request we offer, where you have the freedom to personalize it by including the names of individuals requiring healing and even describing their specific illnesses. Let this invocation be a means for you to express your heartfelt intentions, sending healing energies and positive thoughts to those in need, acknowledging their unique circumstances and challenges.

Adgariomos/Adgariūmī nîs Belinon, Tsironan, etic Taranin
Bitus anson essi damâton consergiu
Gariomos nîs suos, arcîmos uoretû

Belinê, leucobertos, deuorbutos sergi
(Arcîmos nîs dû uoretû sueson do lobrodonicâ)
Rodîmos nîs addatus etic bratûn

Tsirona, Riganâ tsirânon, uoberî biuorodîmâ
(Arcîmos anextlû urittosergios etic delgestû nis glanos)
Rodîmos nîs addatus etic bratûn tê

Tarani, tigernos nemi, tigernos uirî
(Arcîmos uiroioniî etic anextlû, tluxtiû etic sergiodonicâ)
Rodîmos nîs addatus etic bratûn tê

Molâmos/Molâmî Belinon
Molâmos/Molâmî Tsironan
Molâmos/Molâmî Taranin
Bratûn suos!

We/I invoke Belinos, Sironâ, and Taranis
Our world is suffering with sickness
We call out to you all. We ask for aid.

Belenos, light bringer, vanquisher of disease
(We ask for your aid to the sick people)
We give offering and thanks to you

Sironâ, queen of the stars, of the life-giving spring
(We ask for protection against sickness and to keep us clean)
We give offering and thanks to you

Taranis, Lord of the heavens, Lord of truth
(We ask for justice and protection for the poor and the sick people)
We give offering and thanks to you

We/I praise Belinos
We/I praise Sironâ
We/I praise Taranis
Thanks to you all!
It is done