Bessus Nouiogalation Q&A

Is this like a club or organization?

It is an adbessus (tradition) and has a group of people, a toutâ that follow it together. One does not have to be a member of Bessus Nouiogalation to follow our adbessus, or use any of this site’s material.

What does Bessus Nouiogalation mean, anyway?

Bessus, a Gaulish term meaning “custom, practice,” is commonly utilized on this site to refer to various practices. An example is Tegobessus, which signifies “house custom,” referring to household traditions. Noiuos translates to “new,” and when combining words, the final “s” is dropped. Galation represents “of the Galatîs,” with “Galatîs” being the plural form of “Galatis,” which means “a Gaulish person.” Therefore, Bessus Nouiogalation can be understood as “Custom of the New Galatîs.”

The choice of using Galatis instead of Gaul is because it is a Gaulish word, allowing for a distinction from later chronological usages of the term “Gaul,” which continued long after the Gaulish language, material culture, and worship of the Dêuoi had ceased to exist. The goal is to establish a sense of a toutâ (people), and a people require a language. Hence, a form of reconstructed Gaulish (Nouiogalaticos) is used to the best of our abilities when possible or practical. This explains why many articles are titled in this language and why such terms are frequently employed—this approach is not to show off, but rather to connect with the Gaulish heritage.

What God/desses do you worship?

First, we call them Dêuoi.
But yes we have a heavy focus on what we call Tribal gods/Toutâdêuoi. This includes Ogmios, Toutais Galatos, Suleuiâs, Materês, Carnonos, Aidonâ, Regentiâ/Ancestors. Others are also included which you can find the list at Toutâdêuoi and Toutâregentiâ.

Is this the only legit way to be a Galatis?

Definitely not. There are multiple avenues for embodying these aspects, and each person is free to define it according to their own understanding. Bessus Nouiogalation is offered as a structure, culture, and identity for those interested, but it does not seek to impose itself on anyone.

What about Folkish?

We oppose all forms of bigotry. Bessus Nouiogalation is about building a positive practice. So that means any forms of bigotry is unwelcome.

Surely there are some conditions?

Don’t disrespect the Dêuoi. Don’t do evil. Do the best you can to be a good person and to fight for what’s right. Try to live an honorable life. Hopefully, we can make the world a better place.

How involved do I need to be?

The level of involvement is entirely up to each individual. We do not claim to be the exclusive or definitive path, and that will never change. Some individuals may prefer to align with a specific tribal identity, focusing solely on one historical group of Gauls, and that choice is entirely valid. Others may resonate more with newer Galatis identities like this one, and there is ample room for everyone within this diverse and inclusive community.

True belonging within this community is demonstrated through one’s actions, and if someone finds that this approach does not resonate with them, that’s completely acceptable. While we hope you may find something useful here, it’s also perfectly fine if you don’t.

Can one join Bessus Nouioglation if they also are part of other groups or have other practices?

Absolutely. Bessus Nouiogalation maintains a specific set of focuses, but being a member simply requires practicing it. If individuals also engage in other practices, belong to different groups, or follow other religious traditions, that is completely acceptable. Bessus Nouiogalation does not seek to regulate what people practice, and many of our members are part of other customs, practices, religions, etc., either in a syncretic or multi-traditional approach.

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